Thursday, November 8, 2012

Veteran's Day sale at

at get 50% off of cards and calendars, 40% off of ornaments, 30% off of mugs, 20% off of t-shirts, and 15% off of all other products, using code 50VETDAYSALE , until Nov. 12th, at 11:59pm

Saturday, June 30, 2012

how-to pdf epattern/photo step x step guide for fabric photo frame - $1 per size

I figured that I'd post it here for, quilters, artists, designers, and crafters! Hi! My name is Kristie, and I design, make, and sell fabric photo frames, both non-washable, and washable, sewn, fabric photo frames, plus other finished, sewn, fabric products for gifts, for home decor, for the kitchen, even the dog. A few people have asked me to make instructions, kits, etc. for them to make it themselves, and, we're pretty crafty, so ...I figured that I'd come on here, and advertise. I have 12 individual pdf epatterns with photo step by step instructions for $1 per pdf, emailed to you. You can order each size at , scroll down to the middle of the page, and order using Paypal. From there, I email you the pdf, which is about 1-2 mb's each frame size. You get patterns on the pdf file, not just for the strut (leg) but also for all of the other parts, and a few for some other materials needed. Most of the materials you can get from JoAnn's, Michaels, AC Moore, some tools you may already have around your house. I even give you a 1/4" x 1/4" graph paper image, in case you lose any of the other pages, for whatever reason you need, and as well, you'll get dimensions for all parts needed, how big to cut each fabric piece, each material piece, etc., a supply list, tool list, and tips and tricks to make it look professional.

That's 12 sizes, $1 per size:
6 sizes offered: for photos sized 1.5" x 2.5" (those tiny photos in kids' school packages, that they give their friends), 2.5" x 3.5" (wallet size)- great for weddings, showers, events as place cards, favor frames, gifts etc., 4x6", 2 sizes for 5x7", and an 8x10"

6 sizes for each the non-washable, and washable, sewn, fabric photo frames

I also have a book with ALL of the sizes and both set of instructions, for non-washable, and washable, sewn, fabric photo frames, just patterns for the struts (legs), but detailed dimensions for cutting all of the other parts, and their fabric, ribbon, etc., all compiled into a book, "Fabricated Frames: Instructions On Making Fabric Photo Frames" on and on, for $11 (unless it's on sale on, for less) You can trace over the strut patterns, cut them out, whatever you want.

These are great for gifts, to upcycle clothing, damaged heirloom fabrics if you wish for momentous reasons, neckties, and more, to use in weddings, events, showers, holiday gifts, birthdays, and more. Great even if you find a fabric that's super expensive, and you still want it, but can't afford to buy it for a sofa - we'll now you can get it. :D Thanks in advance! Kristie from

Thursday, June 21, 2012 art on products

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