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Cafepress custom leaves masks #masks #leaves #leaf #undulating #nature #green #gold #yellow #blue #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom Sleepy Hollow masks #masks #halloween #sleepyhollow #sleepy #hollow #NY #tarrytown #WashingtonIrving #Washington #Irving #story #Ichabod #Crane #IchabodCrane #Headless #Horseman #HeadlessHorseman #folklore #fiction #fall #autumn #pumpkin #pie #darevil #horse #harvest #moon #illustration #inspiration #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom headless horseman masks #masks #fabric #font #letters #letter #sewist #sewing #textile #textiles #fabrics #wordart #text #words #word #sew #seamstress #quilt #quilter #fiber #artist #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom sewist fabric font fabrics textile theme masks #masks #sewist #sewists #artist who #sews #sewing #seamstress #fiber #artists #quilt #quilting #quiter #maskmaker #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom sheet music masks #masks #sheet #music #sheetmusic #song #keep of the #promise #musical #notes #note #musician #blackandwhite #black #white #singer #songwriter #singersongwriter #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom Eiffel Tower Pointillism Landscape mask #mask #Eiffel #Tower #eiffeltower #Pointillism #landscape #painting #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #purchase #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom ocean beach rocks photo mask #mask #Ocean #Beach #Rocks #CapeMay #Photo #photography #JerseyShore #waves #AtlanticOcean #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom sheet music mask #mask #Handwritten #Sheet #Music #sheetmusic #song #musician #Keep of the #Promise #composer #notes #blackandwhite #black #white #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom tea time mask #mask #Tea #Time #Teapots #teatime #teapot #teacup #kettle #plate #pink #china #fruit #leaves #pattern #periwinkle #teashop #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom sheet music mask #mask 4 Lines #Handwritten #Sheet #Music #sheetmusic #song #musician #Keep of the #Promise #composer #notes #blackandwhite #black #white #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom dressage horse art mask #mask #Dressage #Horse #English #style #riding #equine #equestrian #dressageatdevon #dressageuk #British #devon #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom Paris Eiffel Tower inspired pointillism landscape mask #mask #Paris #Eiffel #Tower #EiffelTower #Inspired #Pointillism #landscape #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom Paris Eiffel Tower inspired landscape mask #mask #Paris #Eiffel #Tower #eiffeltower #Inspired #Landscape #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #today #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom periwinkle mask #masks #periwinkle #face #mask #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #Illinois #IL #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom millennial pink mask #mask #millennial #pink #custom #print #cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #NJ #NewJersey #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom royal purple mask #mask #royal #purple #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #masks #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom red mask #masks #red #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom black mask #masks #black #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom ultraviolet ultra violet mask #masks #ultra #violet #purple #purplerain #ultraviolet #Pantone #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom gray mask #masks #gray #medium #silver #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom yellow mask #masks #yellow #sunny #gold #golden #mustard #warm #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom Panton color of the year marsale brick wine color mask #masks #marsala #Pantone #brick #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom purple periwinkle mask #masks #purple #periwinkle #blue #violet #custom #print #Cafepress #solid #color #solidcolor #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy other #colors available #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom bed of roses ribbon roses mask #masks #ribbon #roses #leaves #green #lilac #purple #pink #flowers #rose #floral #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom hydrangeas photo mask #masks #hydreangeas #hydrangea #blue #purple #pink #garden #gardening #flowers #floral #custom #print #Cafepress #NJ #NewJersey #sale #forsale #onsale 20% off #code #DONTFORGET ends #Dec31 #Thursday #2020 #stayhealthy #accessory #accessories #facemask #mask #washablemask #facecoverings #facecovering #washable #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #FaceMaskFriday
Cafepress custom kitchen tea towels, even calendars#Cafepress #kitchen #towels with #art by Kristie Hubler, including #calendar #tea #towel #year
Etsy sewing patterns & printables #etsy #forsale #digital #epub #epublication #download #crafts #craftsupplies #sewing #patterns #pdf #printables $2.50 - $6 #frames #dog #pets #bellyband diaper #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 giftideas sewists #girlpower #etsypatterns #etsydigital #etsydownloads #parents #homeschooling #distancelearning #Learningathome #workfromhome #homeoffice #ideas #StandWithSmall #staysafe #crafting #sew #mask #masks #sewingfacemasks #facemasks #pattern #printables #washable #washablemasks #fabric #cloth #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #dustmask #fabricmask #homemade #homemademask #FaceMaskFriday
Craftsuprint CuP card making printables, calendar sheets, & sewing pattern downloads #Craftsuprint #forsale #Download pdf zip A4 sheet jpg #printables digital #epub #epublication #crafts #cardmaking #cards #sewing #masks #facemasks #epattern #patterns #craftsupplies #patterns #calendar #papercraft #designer #resources #frames #needlework #artist Kristie Hubler #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 UK GBP US #art #name #captions #text #tag #girlpower #card #parents #workfromhome #homeoffice #ideas #StandWithSmall #staysafe #crafting #sewing #sewingfacemasks #facemasks #patterns #printables #soon #washable #washablemasks #fabric #cloth #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #dustmask #fabricmask #homemade #homemademask #FaceMaskFriday #crown #tiara
TeachersPayTeachers TpT teacher / home school / parent / artist crafts, card making printables, calendar sheets,sewing pattern downloads #forsale #onsale #teacher #teachers #digital #eub #epublication #download #crafts #craftsupplies #cardmaking art $1-$10 #sewing #pattern pdf #printables #masks #facemasks #signs #posters #banners #homeschooling school 20% off #sale #tpt #teacherspayteachers #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #favors #table #cards #girlpower #calendar for #planner #journal #parents #distancelearning #Learningathome #workfromhome #homeoffice #ideas #StandWithSmall #staysafe #crafting #sewing #sewingfacemasks #facemasks #patterns #printables #soon #washable #washablemasks #fabric #cloth #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #dustmask #fabricmask #homemade #homemademask #FaceMaskFriday #crown #tiara
Tee Public custom masks #teepublic #custom #masks #facemask #facemasks #mask #washablemask #facecovering #facecoverings #EiffelTower #crown #horse #berries #art #music #imagine #garden #beach #photography #love ##July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #tee #public #customized #FaceMaskFriday
#mask #custom #print #customized #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #facemasks #masks #facemask #washable #washablemasks #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #Cafepress Cafepress custom masks #Zazzle Zazzle custom masks #Redbubble RedBubble custom masks #Cafepress #FineArtAmerica FineArtAmerica custom masks #Society6 Society6 custom masks #EiffelTower #sheetmusic #music #crown #tiara #horse #equine #equestrian #tea #teatime #fabricmask #dustmask #FaceMaskFriday
#sew #mask #patterns #custom #mask #sewing #pattern #download #washablemask #facecovering #facecoverings #facemask #facemasks - #print onto #washable #inkjet #printer #fabric #masks #epub $5 #printable #printables #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #Etsy Etsy sewing pattern printables or Etsy custom mask sewing pattern printables #Craftsuprint Craftsuprint mask sewing pattern printables #teacherspayteachers #TpT Teachers Pay Teachers TpT mask sewing pattern printables #homemade #homemademask #fabricmask #dustmask #FaceMaskFriday
RedBubble custom masks #redbubble #custom #print #face #mask #masks #facemask #healthy #health #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #crafting #sewing #facemasks #groceryshopping $12.49 / $9.99 each when you buy 4 #washable #washablemasks #fabric #cloth #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #dustmask #fabricmask #FaceMaskFriday
Teachers Pay Teachers mask sewing pattern printables #epub #facemask #facemasks #masks #customized #designs #washablemask #facecoverings #patterns 20% off #sale #forsale #onsale #custom #printing #washable #inkjet #printer #fabric #mask #download #sewing #pattern #printable #printables #TeachersPayTeachers #TpT #TpTClassFund #health #public #publichealth #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sew ##washable #washablemask #facecovering #homemade #homemademask #dustmask #facemask #FaceMaskFriday
Craftsuprint CuP mask sewing pattern printables #custom #print #washable #inkjet #printer #fabric #sheet #cotton #face #mask #download #sewing #pattern #printable #printables #Craftsuprint #needlework #CuP #UK #US #worldwide #A4 #zip #pdf #stayhealthy #staysafe #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #washable #washablemask #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #homemade #homemademask #fabricmask #dustmask #FaceMaskFriday
Etsy mask sewing pattern printables #Etsy #digital #sew #mask #patterns #etsyshop #etsyseller #FabricFramesKristie #custom #mask #sewing #pattern #download #washable #washablemask #facecovering #facecoverings #facemask #facemasks #print onto #washable #inkjet #printer #fabric #masks #patterns $5 #printable #printables #crown #tiara #horse #tea #sheetmusic #music #dustmask #homemademask #fabricmask #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #FaceMaskFriday
Society6 custom masks #Society6 #custom #print #mask #facemask #washable #washablemask #facecoverings #designs #crown #EiffelTower #piano #music #halloween #LOVE #LovePark #Philadelphia inspired #red #lettters #fabric #font #dustmask #fabricmask #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #FaceMaskFriday
FineArtAmerica custom masks #customized #print #face #mask #masks #FineArtAmerica #FineArt #America #facemasks $13 #tulips #garden #photo #photography #sheetmusic #music #girlpower #crown #tiara #EiffelTower #art #dustmask #fabricmask #forsale #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #facemasks #washable #washablemasks #fabric #cloth #facecover #facecovering #facecovers #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
#Spoonflower #custom #print #fabric #fabrics #textile #textiles #fiber #cotton #silk #satin #linen #knit #minky #polyester #swatch #fat #quarter #yard #masks #DIY #mask #kit #crown #tiara #queenofhearts #Paris #EiffelTower #horse #dressage #art #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #washable #facecoverings #facemasks #cut & #sew Spoonflower masks & kits with #FabricatedFrames #artist Kristie Hubler's #art #designs #facemaskfriday
Spoonflower custom print Queen of Hearts Gold Crown Tiaras design white mask #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #Fabric #fitted #Face Mask #QueenOfHearts #Crown By Kristie Hubler by #FabricatedFrames #sateen 2 #adult #sizes #child #size $18 #custom #Queen of #Hearts #gold #tiara #girlpower #fashion #jewelry #diamonds #white #background #art #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #UK #US #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #facecovering #washablemask#FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Queen of Hearts Gold Crown Tiaras design white mask kit #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #DIY #FaceMask #Kit #QueenOfHearts #Crown By Kristie Hubler by #FabricatedFrames $10 #FABRIC #Sateen #Double #layer #pleated #cotton #mask #Queen of #Hearts #gold #tiara #girlpower #fashion #jewelry #diamonds #white #background #art #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #UK #US #washable #facemasks #facecoverings #facecovering #washablemask #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Queen of Hearts Gold Crown Tiaras design black mask #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #Fabric #fitted #Face #Mask $18 #Gold #QueenofHearts #Crowns #Tiaras black background 150 dpi by #fabricatedframes #cotton #Sateen 3 #sizes #Queen of #Hearts #Crown #Tiara black background #fashion #jewelry #diamonds #sew #fabrics #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #girlpower #US #US #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #facecovering #washablemask #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Queen of Hearts Gold Crown Tiaras design black mask kit #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #DIY #FaceMask #Kit $10 #Gold #QueenofHearts #Crowns #Tiaras black background 150 dpi by #fabricatedframes #FABRIC #Sateen #Double #layer #pleated #cotton #mask #Queen of #Hearts #Crown #Tiara #fashion #jewelry #diamonds #sew #fabrics #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #girlpower #US #US #washable #facemasks #facecoverings #facecovering #washablemask #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Paris Eiffel Tower inspired landscape collage mask #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #Fabric #Face #Mask $18 3 #Paris Inspired #Cityscapes And The #Eiffel #Tower By Kristie Hubler by #fabricatedframes #cotton #Sateen #EiffelTower #Paris #France #French #cityscape #landscape #impressionism #pointillism #collage #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Paris Eiffel Tower inspired landscape collage mask kit #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #DIY #FaceMask #Kit $10 3 #Paris Inspired #Cityscapes And The #Eiffel #Tower By Kristie Hubler by #fabricatedframes #FABRIC #Sateen #Double #layer #pleated #cotton #mask #EiffelTower #Paris #France #French inspired #cityscape #landscape #impressionism #pointillism #collage #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #washable #facemasks #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Dressage Horse Collage art mask #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #Fabric #Face #Mask $18 by Kristie Hubler by #fabricatedframes #cotton #Sateen 3 #sizes 2 #adult #child #size #Dressage #Horse #collage #dressageatdevon #devon #equine #equestrian English #Riding #horses #sew #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #riders #girlpower #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Dressage Horse Collage art mask kit #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #DIY #FaceMask #Kit $10 by Kristie Hubler by #fabricatedframes #FABRIC #Sateen #Double #layer #pleated #cotton #mask #Dressage #Horse #collage #dressageatdevon #devon #equine #equestrian #English #Riding #horses #sew #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #riders #girlpower #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print print Paris Eiffel Tower inspired landscape pointillism art mask #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #Fabric #Face #Mask $18 #Paris inspired pointillisms with #landscape #wood #planks #grapes and #wine by #fabricatedframes #cotton #Sateen 2 #adult #sizes #child #size #France #pointillism #landscape #cityscape #eiffeltower #collage #sew #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #girlpower #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
Spoonflower custom print Paris Eiffel Tower inspired landscape pointillism art mask kit #Spoonflower #custom #print #customized #printed #DIY #FaceMask #Kit $10 by #fabricatedframes #FABRIC #Sateen # Double #layer #pleated #cotton #mask #Paris France inspired #pointillism #landscape cityscape #eiffeltower #wood #grapes #wine #collage #sew #staysafe #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #sewing #girlpower #washable #facemask #facemasks #facecoverings #FaceMaskFriday
If you want me to sew masks for you, they cost:
$5 each for solid color cotton or broadcloth
$15 each for store bought fabric designs
$25 for each mask, that I sew, with my art, photography, or designs printed on washable inkjet printer fabric sheets or other custom print fabrics. Shipping is US domestic shipping only.
$3 shipping for 1 to 3 masks
$6 shipping for 4 to 6 masks
$9 shipping for 7 to 9 masks.
First Class USPS insured shipping, shipped in poly bag, inside bubble envelope.
Many fabric & craft stores / sites have longer shipping times for supplies, with wait of 2-4 weeks to ship fabric and elastic.. I source from #Joann #Fabrics #Walmart #Zooks outside of #Lancaster #PA #LancasterCounty
My custom sewn masks have:
- filter pocket panel
- 2 side elastic pockets for removable elastic ear loops
- Pipe cleaner / chenille stem sewn inside for the nose grip
- curves under the eyes - curve seam that goes from nose to chin. or 1 panel for both front & filter pocket
My fabric face masks are washable. I'd hand wash the inkjet printed ones, but the CDC recommends hand washing them, lay or hang to dry. Email me fabricatedframescom at gmail dot com Paypal used. Thank you! #FabricatedFrames #Fabricated #Frames #crafting #sewing #pattern #download #patterns #printables #face #mask #facemask #washablemask #facecovering #epub #epattern #sew #printable cloth #mouthmask #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #FaceMaskFriday
#face #masks # washable #sold #color $5 each, #store #bought #fabric #JoannFabric #handmadewithJoann #Walmart #ZooksFabric #SaudersFabric #fabricdotcom $15 each, #custom #print #Spoonflower #Zazzle #MyFabricDesigns or #washable #inkjet #printer #fabric #PrintedTreasures $25 each, #shipping $3 1-3 masks, $6 3-6 masks, $9 7-9 masks. #filter #pocket #elastic #ear #loop #pockets #nose #grip - Email me fabricatedframescom at gmail dot com #Paypal used. Thank you! #FabricatedFrames #Fabricated #Frames #crafting #sewing #pattern #download #patterns #printables #face #mask #facemask #washablemask #facecoverings #epub #epattern #sew #printable $5 each, #cloth #mouthmask #stayhealthy #July26 #July27 #July28 #July29 #2020 #facemaskfriday
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