I spent some time, and added products that I want to sell on my www.cafepress.com/fabricatedframe page, and added the artwork that I wanted on the product....well, for now, but, I may change the images on the products. Let's put it this way, when designing artwork for products, a designer has to think of how it's layout looks ON the product. And in doing my selections and choices last night, it's made me want to go back, and redesign my artwork to fit the product. And that's ok. It's to be expected. And so, back to the drawing table, and it's fine. I do have to say that I like the tote with the tulips. I was kind of impressed with how that turned out. I wish that they had products with more colorways. They do on some products, but on some home decor and accessories, they don't. Well, they're always adding.
If you're a musician, you have the options of adding up to 8 images on your cd, 4 for the booklet, 2 for the case's front and back, and 2 for the inside of the case. And then you're cd cover, plus don't forget uploading each track, individually as mp3s. And for books, you upload your covers, and each page is uploaded as a .pdf